Pillow Talk 32 x 49 Oil on PanelHuman Tendencies 32 x 49 Oil on PanelInterior Caving 20 x 40 Oil on CanvasCoincide 32 x 49 Oil on PanelMidnights 12 x 24 Oil on CanvasInterior Caving 20 x 40 Oil on CanvasLamby 12 x 12 Oil on PanelStill Life and Still Nights 12 x 24 Oil on CanvasPillow Talk 32 x 49 Oil on PanelVelvet Foothills 24 x 36 Oil on Panel18 Degrees 32 x 49 Oil on Panel10 More Minutes 40 x 30 Oil on Canvas
Memory Hoarder Series
Pensive Madonna 46 x 46 (Sold) Oil on CanvasHide and Seek 46 x 66 Oil and Acrylic on CanvasMidsummer 45 x 47 Oil and Acrylic on CanvasDoll House 48 x 48 Oil on CanvasSummertime Sadness I 48 x 48 Oil and Acrylic on canvasSummertime Sadness II 48 x 48 Oil and Acrylic on canvasFinding Figures 72 x 48 Oil on CanvasGoodnight Moon 21 x 21 Oil on CanvasInterior Motives 21 x 21 Oil on CanvasMetamorphosis Series (Sold) 8 x 8 Oil on PanelRoom to Room 64 x 105 Fiber, synthetic and natural dyes, 600 feet of wire, rug, wood, slides, and airplane cablesLife Cycles 132 x 324 inch (folded) FiberLife Cycles 132 x 324 inch (folded) FiberTag in the City 54 x 48 Oil and Fiber on CanvasUnruly Mackerels (feet) 46 x 46 Oil on CanvasPb&J 48 x 36 Oil and fiber natural dyes and fiberSummer Textile 18 x 20″ Oil on Canvas
Natural Dye Series
Sisters 120 x 48 Oil and Fiber on Panel
Hopscotch 108 x 108 Oil on Canvas and Thread Hopscotch II 48 x 12 Oil on Linen Canvas Anni Albers Diptych 48 x 48 Oil and Fiber on Canvas Anni Albers I 48 x 48 Oil and Fiber on CanvasAnni Albers II 48 x 48 Oil and Fiber on CanvasTemporary Ground 108 x 360 Natural Dyes and Fiber Temporary Ground 108 x 360 Natural Dyes and Fiber Cherry Lane and PACherry Lane 132 x 36 Natural Dyes and FiberPA 56 x 48 Natural Dyes and Fiber Fiber Paintings varying sizes Natural Dyes and FiberOil SeedsOil and Indigo SeedsSeed I Goldenrod, Cochineal, and other Natural DyesSeed II Tumeric, Cochineal, and other Natural DyesSeed III Goldenrod, Cochineal, and other Natural DyesSeed IV Tumeric, Cochineal, and other Natural DyesSeed V Goldenrod, Cochineal, and other Natural DyesSeed VI Cabbage, Cochineal, and other Natural Dyes
Embodied Series
Embody, 73 x 96 x 6 “, Oil and fiber on canvas The Impossible Body IV, 38 x 50″, Charcoal and Pastel on Lenox PaperThe Impossible Body III, 38 x 50″, Charcoal and Pastel on Lenox PaperThe Impossible Body II,38 x 50″, Charcoal and Pastel on Lenox PaperThe Impossible Body I, 38 x 50″, Charcoal and Pastel on Lenox PaperStripe 3D Painting